Adventure Project - Midwest Super Slam - Andrew Wetterer

Andrew Wetterer - Adventure Project - Midwest Super Slam

Adventure Project: Midwest Super Slam

Adventurer: Andrew Wetterer


  • Kettle Moraine - La Grange, WI
  • Mohican - Loudonville, OH
  • Burning River - Cleveland, OH
  • Hallucination 100 - Hell, MI
  • Indiana Trail - Albion, IN 

Project Scope:

I plan to complete the Midwest Super Slam, 5 100 mile races over the summer. As part of this adventure, I plan to raise money to help end Parkinson's disease. My dad used to be an avid runner when he was younger, always telling stories about his running days. Unfortunately, all he can do now is remember the "good old days", so I will run these races to help raise awareness for research to help end this disease. 


I have already started training for the Slam, but the first race is June 2. The last race is October 13. Each race will take between 24 and 30 hours to finish.

Gear Requirements:

  • Trail Shoes - several pairs
  • Running Shirts
  • Running Shorts
  • Running Visors
  • Orange Mud Arm coolers 
  • HydraQuiver VP2
  • Running Socks
  • Running jacket
  • Trekking Poles