Adventure Project - The infinite journey of the human soul on fire - Rachel Sklar

Rachel Sklar

Adventure Project: The infinite journey of the human soul on fire

Adventurer: Rachel Sklar

Location: Canada/USA/Swizterland-Italy-France (many more European countries)/Nepal/Many countries in South America/Asia

Project Scope: This adventure is beyond what words can express. This journey will take me all over the world. Racing over 5,000km through heat, snow, desert and rain. It will take me through the mountains of the Swiss peaks to the barren deserts of the Western coast of the USA, tropical rainforests of South America, climbing the mountains of the andes, the hectic chaos of Asia to the snowy Canadian winters. My objective is to inspire our young athletes to get started in a sport and go forward. To persevere without fear, to take a leap of faith and never listen to that voice of self doubt. I was inspired years ago watching a documentary about a young woman who completed all four deserts in one year. I sat there and was in awe and disbelief that this incredible creature was able to push forward with her goals. Watching her crush her goals has inspired me to be the athlete I am today. Passion driven and too stubborn to quit. I was once consumed with consumerism, always needing the newest handbag and clothing. Today, I am consumed with always bettering myself, I thank athletics for that. We have countless youths across the world who are underprivileged. Starting a sport and accomplishing goals can change their life. It can also give them a community to fall back on. If I can also inspire one person to get off the couch to conquer an athletic goal, my life would forever be changed.

To accomplish a distance of 5,000km over one year will be one of the hardest challenges I will ever face but my desire to finish trumps any ounce of self doubt. I will be racing in my first 200 mile in Italy which will be one of the milestones of this race. I am planning on attempting Ontario's longest trail which is 900km from start to finish. I hope to end the year with the Everest Trail Race which will take me around the perimeter of Everest. Gaining an elevation of over 28,000 feet. 

Why am I doing this?: I am doing this because I want to show the world that no matter how big the goal is, you can do it. You just need to break down the walls of constraints and except the journey and challenge. Anything in this world can be accomplished, you just need to take the first step. Mine will be the first step of many this year. 

Timeline: February/March 2018 (Start date)

Gear Requirements:

  • Hydration packs 4L
  • Trail shoes!!!
  • Racing shirts, long sleeve shirts, thermal and shorts
  • Headwares (like buffs)
  • Light jacket, rain jacket